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Achema Literature
Hygienic allrounder

Cleanline by Eirich is a multi-functional processor that allows to mix, coat, disperse, emulsify, granulate, knead, dissolve or agglomerate in the same...

Largest investment in Germany
Evonik plans new polyamide 12 complex

Evonik is planning to build a new production complex for the high-performance polymer polyamide 12 (PA 12). The Group intends to increase its overall PA 12...

Self-calibrating thermometer
Endress+Hauser wins Hermes Award

Endress+Hauser has been recognised by Hannover Messe with the prestigious Hermes technology award for iTherm Trustsens, the world’s first self-calibrating...

Achema Literature
Hygienic allrounder

Cleanline by Eirich is a multi-functional processor that allows to mix, coat, disperse, emulsify, granulate, knead, dissolve or agglomerate in the same...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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