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Evonik plans new polyamide 12 complex

Largest investment in Germany
Evonik plans new polyamide 12 complex

Evonik is planning to build a new production complex for the high-performance polymer polyamide 12 (PA 12). The Group intends to increase its overall PA 12 capacity by more than 50 %. Polyamide 12 is required in attractive growth markets such as the automotive industry, oil and gas pipelines, and in 3D printing. After successful basic engineering, Evonik plans to invest approximately 400 million euros in the PA 12 complex at its largest site, Marl Chemical Park in North Rhine-Westphalia. “We are planning Evonik’s largest investment in Germany,” says Christian Kullmann, Chairman of the Evonik Executive Board.

The existing PA 12 production is to be supplemented with additional manufacturing facilities for the polymer and its precursors. The complex is expected to become operational in early 2021. The investment will make a substantial contribution to reaching Evonik’s margin goal and will generate an annual cash flow in a three-digit million euro amount over the long term. The project is to be implemented over the course of four years as part of the annual budget for growth investments.

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