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Oil & Gas

Analysis software helps pipeline operators use pump systems more efficiently
A digitalisation step that pays off

What actions are necessary to optimise pump installations and reduce operating and maintenance costs? Sulzer’s answer to this question is the Blue Box. This...

Progressive cavity pumps in the oil and gas industry
Focus on API 676 compliance

Owing to their operating principle and their roots in waste water treatment, progressive cavity pumps (PCP) typically deviate in several respects from API 676...

Atex-compliant enclosures ensure maximum safety and functionality
Sensitive electronics well protected

Potentially-explosive atmospheres are often found in the petrochemicals industry, and this is why special preventative measures are needed to ensure the safe...

Pressure relief with rupture discs and safety valves
How to make the right choice

The task of a rupture disc is to quickly and reliably release unwanted excess pressure from the system or to prevent the development of a vacuum. This article...

Explosion protected centrifuge separates oily residues
Separation technology for tank cleaning

When crude oil is stored in tanks, a layer of heavy hydrocarbons (paraffins) and impurities such as sand, rust or heavy metals builds up at the bottom. A...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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