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Oil & Gas

Vegaflex 86 – robust guided radar sensors ensure measurement accuracy in LNG production
Clear signals for LNG

Liquefied gases such as LNG or LPG can be transported much more flexibly and often have a higher commercial value. A good example of this can be found in the...

Auma supplies turnkey valve automation solution
Pertamina expands liquid gas tank farm

Auma supplied a turnkey valve automation solution to Indonesian oil and gas company Pertamina. The scope of delivery includes 12 SAEx multi-turn electric...

High voltage motors withstand extreme environmental conditions
Pump drives in the Arctic Circle

Siberia’s climate is characterised by extreme temperature fluctuations: hot, dry summers while cold, snow and ice alternate in winter. Yet even in such...

CPChem is replacing the I/O level with Ex isolation
Saving a lot of space in the I&C room

The I/O system used on the Honeywell control system at Chevron Phillips Chemicals International NV’s (CPChem) Belgian plant in Beringen had been discontinued...

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