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Communication is the key to success
Managing international projects successfully

Carrying out international projects on time, on budget and to the complete satisfaction of the customer is no easy task. For Frank Betzold, Project Engineer...

Web-based process control system allows a view into the reactor
Levaco relies on digital transformation

How can a process plant modification be used as a sustainable investment in the future? By focusing on digitalisation already today to open up many...

This is how structures and systems should be designed
Security solutions for the process industry

The recent cyber attacks on plants in the process industry emphatically underline the fact that such attacks can cause considerable financial, health and other...

Efficient pumping of heavy fuel oil
Multi screw pumps at the tank farm

Large tank farms always supply container ships with the necessary quantities of fuel. Especially when refuelling with heavy oil, one has to deal with strongly...

From sensor to fully automated measuring point
PAT modular system extended

The process engineering industry is dependent on accurate measuring systems that can determine a wide range of measured values in a medium, from oxygen content...

Current Whitepaper

New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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