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Innovation as the way out of the crisis

„It is now almost exactly three years since we sat in this very same place and ventured to make a forecast for ACHEMA 2006“, Dr. Alfred Oberholz, Chairman...

Order for Kreyenborg
Huge screen changers delivered

Three gigantic melt filters have left the plant of the Kreyenborg GmbH, Münster/Germany. The systems of the type series Poly have been designed for the use in...

Former state-owned combines of Central Germany have developed into modern chemical parks
Triangular relationships

Chemical sites in Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and Thuringia had to cope with enormous bloodletting after the fall of communism. Employee numbers dropped from 180,000...

Exhibitors hold high expectations

“Hosokawa Alpine is a company that, ever since the very first event in 1977, has actively contributed to making Powtech known to a broad audience throughout...

Qualification and cleaning validation of pharmaceutical mixers
Certificate included

Although the system manufacturer has no influence over production-related QA systems or lacking instructions from pharmaceutical companies, he can make a...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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