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Tag - Grinding

More safety and flexibility through wet grinding
A fluid way to a perfect particle size

Dry grinding of organic substances requires elaborate exhaust and filter fans that are meant to avert the danger of dust explosions. Wet grinding processes...

Heterogeneous material mixes no longer a problem
Powerful cutting mill

The SM 300 cutting mill excels especially in tough jobs where other cutting mills fail. It has a freely selectable speed range from 700 to 3000 min-1 with high...

Precise and efficient grinding processes with roller mills
Low-dust milling

Narrow particle size distribution, a low fines content, minimum product heating, high specific throughputs and at the same time low energy consumption are...

Ultra-fine grinding, fast and reproducible
Vibratory disc mill

The RS 200 vibratory disc mill is used for quick, loss-free grinding of hard, brittle and fibrous materials to analytical fineness. Compared to its...

Grinding technology with targeted energy application
Reduced to nanoscale

A constantly increasing quality consciousness and the general trend towards nanotechnology have significantly sharpened the requirements regarding the...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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