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Zero-leakage refinery pump

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Zero-leakage refinery pump

Zero-leakage refinery pump
RPHmdp, RPH mit Magnetkupplung, Baureihe aus Suedafrika, Markteinführung 2013
The horizontal, radially split vo-lute casing pump RPHmdp has been developed to US standard API 685 to reduce maintenance costs and ensure a maximum service life. To achieve this, KSB engineers designed the pump, combining the proven and durable RPH hydraulic system with a state-of-the-art magnetic drive. The pumps are well-suited for the transport of clean, explosive, toxic and valuable fluids in petrochemical plants and refineries. Depending on requirements concerning eddy current loss and efficiency, various material options for containment shrouds are available. One being a containment shroud of carbon fibre reinforced PEEK, ensuring a high level of corrosion resistance and zero eddy current losses. The pumps feature very low vibration levels during operation. Patented plain bearings ensure that the heat is well dissipated and particles which have penetrated the magnetic coupling chamber are expelled. The type series is designed for flow rates of up to 300 m3/h and a maximum head of 270 m.

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