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New vacuum drum filter for highly corrosive media

Whitepaper - Andritz AG
New vacuum drum filter for highly corrosive media

New vacuum drum filter for highly corrosive media

How corrosion-resistant vacuum drum filters Cores from Andritz with highest availability in highly corrosive applications like producing titaniumdioxyd (TiO2) in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) processes, help to avoid production losses and to reduce maintenance costs.

The new vacuum drum filter CORES from Andritz, applied in highly corrosive applications like producing titaniumdioxyd (TiO2) in sulfuric acid (H2SO4) processes or in processes where slurries with a high content of hydrochlorid acid (HCl) are used, helps to increase availability as it raises the longjevity by evading corrosion of the drum body beneath the layer of rubber lining. Thus also making it possible to extend service intervals. Due to significantly reduced downtime, production performance increases and maintenance costs are reduced significantly. In the past, issues arose due to the conventional manufacturing of these filters, especially the rubber lining for protection of the carbon steel, being vulnerable to form cracks. The CORES filter with its corrosion resistant design solves these issues.

+43 316 69020
+43 316 6902415
Andritz AG
Stattegger Str. 18
8045 GRAZ
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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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