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Thyssenkrupp hands over Egypt’s largest production complex

Nitrogen fertilizer
Thyssenkrupp hands over Egypt’s largest production complex

Thyssenkrupp hands over Egypt’s largest production complex
Egypt’s largest nitrogen fertilizer complex was build by Thyssenkrupp
Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions has supplied and recently commissioned Egypt’s largest nitrogen fertilizer complex. It is located in the Damietta free trade zone, some 160 km north-east of Cairo, and will be operated by the Egyptian Nitrogen Products Company (ENPC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Misr Fertilizer Production Company (MOPCO). When running at full capacity, the plant will be capable of producing 2400 t of ammonia and 3850 t of urea per day.

Greg McGlone, Managing Director of ENPC: „We are elated to have continuous production at our new world-scale fertilizer complex in Damietta. Together with our partner thyssenkrupp we were able to successfully take this mega-project from start to completion, despite the extremely challenging political and economic circumstances in Egypt over the past nine years.“
ENPC commissioned Thyssenkrupp to build the new turnkey fertilizer complex including two ammonia and two urea plants as well as various offsite and related utility systems, product handling and storage facilities in the year 2007. Being the largest single fertilizer contract in the history of thyssenkrupp up until then, it included the entire engineering (basic and detail), supply of the equipment, construction and commissioning. The ammonia plants are based on Thyssenkrupp’s proprietary ammonia process while the urea plants will use Netherlands-based Stamicarbon’s process. All selected processes are particularly environment-friendly and comply with stringent Egyptian and European standards.
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