Chemical process industries (CPI) companies are adhering to the goals of achieving a circular economy and transitioning to low-carbon energy production, despite ongoing headwinds, such as sharply increased production costs and geopolitical turmoil, according to Wolfgang Grosse-Entrup, the director-general of VCI, the German chemical industry association.
Speaking yesterday at a press conference, Grosse-Entrup said, “We won’t be diverted from the path to transformation that we started on years ago: protecting the climate, conserving resources, and preserving a circular economy will be no mean feat, but we will tackle these issues.”
Grosse-Entrup pointed out the need for governments to help the industry reconcile its need for transformation with its need to remain competitive in the global market.
Grosse-Entrup was joined by Klaus Schäfer, chair of Dechema and Jurgen Nowicki, chair of Achema. The three emphasized the critical role of the CPI in meeting humanity‘s climate-related challenges. Solving them requires technological collaboration and innovation, they said. scj