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SPE Offshore Europe 2017

More than 1000 exhibitors expected
SPE Offshore Europe 2017

SPE Offshore Europe 2017
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SPE Offshore Europe 2017 is taking place at a time when confidence levels are gradually climbing following the longest and most significant downturn the oil and gas industry has seen in decades. Therefore, “Embracing New Realities: Reinventing our Industry” has been announced as the central theme for SPE Offshore Europe 2017 which will take place in Aberdeen, Scotland, from 5 to 8 September 2017. 65 free-to-attend technical presentations and a programme of business breakfasts and topical lunches, will provide opportunities to debate, knowledge-share and take new courses of action that will shape the future of the industry. The 2017 conference chair, Catherine MacGregor, and her executive committee of 17 senior international industry figures, have put together a focused and hard-hitting keynote programme that will tackle the issues the industry is facing as it adjusts to the realities of the ‘new normal’.

Besides the conference programme, more than 1000 suppliers, from international market leaders to new innovative technology companies, will show their solutions for exploration, drilling and production operations on the exhibition floor. Visitors can get connected with more than 50,000 attendees from 100 countries worldwide.

The Oil & Gas Technology Centre’s Technology Zone will present a series of technologies used in alternative sectors to encourage the oil and gas industry to think differently about the adoption of new products. The Centre believes technologies such as robots, composite materials, additive manufacturing and augmented reality are all currently underutilised in offshore oil and gas, despite being part of a general industrial transformation in other industries.

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