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Pinpools and Tankcontainerfinder integrate platform functionalities

Digitalisation takes over the chemical and logistics industry
Pinpools and Tankcontainerfinder integrate platform functionalities

Pinpools and Tankcontainerfinder integrate platform functionalities
Founders of Pinpools (left) and Tankcontainerfinders.com (right)

Digitalisation is taking over the chemical and logistics industry. The German company Pinpools GmbH and the Dutch company Tankcontainerfinder (TCF), both founded in 2017, have created digital platforms to improve the business of chemicals and tank containers on their websites. TCF operates as a logistical matchmaker for tank containers, meanwhile Pinpools offers a marketplace for chemical suppliers and buyers across Europe. Now these two are about to bring certain levels of their functionalities together as a collaboration in their platform.

Traditional purchasing process is transforming due to the new digital opportunities, which gives an access to more time-effective solutions. The focus of TCF is on empowering transparency, visibility and collaboration within the supply chain to create a digitally optimised process and ecosystem. Pinpools offers neutral and transparent auctions on the platform, which decreases the procurement costs for the buyers, and it provides a new digital sales channel for the suppliers.

The users can save time and money by using TCF’s and Pinpools’ services. TCF offers the platform for free for the searchers, who post a request with required information and afterward compares offers. The suppliers, either operator, forwarder or leasing companies, have an annual plan worth of 600 US$ including 30-day trial for free. Pinpools allows the use of the marketplace free of charge for the purchasers to find chemical suppliers giving a quote to their product quotations. Pinpools offers monthly fixed fees starting from 150 euros, including one month free trial as well.

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