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ONS 2018: exhibition, conference and festival in Stavanger

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ONS 2018: exhibition, conference and festival in Stavanger

ONS 2018: exhibition, conference and festival in Stavanger
ONS 2018: exhibition, conference and festival in Stavanger Picture: ONS – Morten Berentsen

As one of the world’s leading meeting places for oil, gas and renewables, ONS offers endless opportunities for sharing knowledge and doing business. From 27 to 30 August 2018 the combination of exhibition, conference and festival takes place in Stavanger. Nine exhibition halls will be filled with more than 1200 companies from all over the world. Over the course of four days visitors can engage with the international energy industry, see new technical solutions on display, learn about the activities and projects in the industry, and network at the evening festival. With seven conference arenas, ONS is an excellent opportunity to gain insight into the latest news, trends, innovations and technical solutions in the oil and energy industry. With more than 60 000 international visitors, ONS offers exceptional networking opportunities and opportunities to connect with industry leaders and innovators.

The ONS app provides visitors with the updated conference programme, exhibitor list and maps of the exhibition halls, which makes it easy to navigate around the exhibition area. New for 2018 is the ONS matchmaking tool, an in-house built database where businesses, executives, and media can propose and book meetings at the ONS meeting areas.

The ONS Festival makes ONS an event unlike any other in this industry. The festival area is right in the heart of Stavanger, in the city’s intimate harbour. During ONS, Stavanger Harbour will be transformed into a small urban village where guest cities and Norwegian regional pavilions offer unique food, drink and entertainment from their respective parts of the world.

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