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Thyssen Krupp further invests into a new RD center

25 successful years in Thailand
Thyssen Krupp further invests into a new RD center

25 successful years in Thailand

Thyssen Krupp further invests into a new RD center
30.07.2015 – Thyssen Krupp Industrial Solutions, the plant engineering and construction specialist of the Thyssen Krupp Group, celebrated its 25th Anniversary in Thailand and announces further investments to strengthen its position as one of the leading plant engineering companies in the region. Jens Michael Wegmann, Member of the Executive Board and Chief Operating Officer of Thyssen Krupp Industrial Solutions: „We are proud to have accompanied Thailand’s modernisation progress through partnering on a number of landmark projects in the last 25 years. Today, about half of our around 1000 employees in the Asia-Pacific region are based in Thailand, which serves as a major hub for our operations in the region and will play an important role in reaching our growth targets in the Asia-Pacific region.“
As part of its growth strategy, Thyssen Krupp Industrial Solutions is expanding its Specialty Chemical and Oleochemical Technology Portfolio through acquiring technologies for the production of special industrial chemicals based on renewable raw materials from Inventa Technologies, Singapore. In order to further strengthen its regional footprint, the company will also invest into a new research and development (RD) center in Rayong (Thailand), including pilot plants and laboratory infrastructure. The RD center will complement the existing engineering hub in Thailand, making it the technology and competence hub for Oleochemical Technologies. The company commits to invest more than 20 Million US§ into the new technologies and related acquisitions.
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