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Sulzer equipment used in japan carbon-capture project

Carbon Capture
Sulzer equipment used in japan carbon-capture project

Sulzer equipment used in japan carbon-capture project
Carbon-capture equipment at Japanese pr0ject Picture: Sulzer

Mass-transfer equipment from Sulzer Chemtech Ltd. will be at the core of a large-scale carbon capture plant in Japan – one of the county’s largest. Based in Yamaguchi Prefecture, the facility will support the decarbonization of a leading chemical manufacturer by leveraging Sulzer’s process expertise and specialized mass-transfer technologies.

Column internals and packing for the entire commercial-scale carbon capture process will be supplied by Sulzer, a global leader in separation and mixing technology. The package includes the direct-contact cooler, absorber and regenerator columns, the largest internal diameter of which measures 2.8 m.

The carbon-capture units will feature MellapakCC structured packing, AYPlus DC structured packing, and tailored column internals that Sulzer has designed to maximize performance when capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from fluegases. These solutions minimize pressure drop and solvent emissions, reducing the plant’s capital and operational expenses as well as its environmental footprint.

Prior to the selection of the mass-transfer equipment, Sulzer conducted extensive in-house feasibility, pilot-scale testing, and provided pre-engineering services to develop. In addition, the company will support the installation of the column internals and structured packing through its expert and localized Tower Field Service offering. 

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