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Samson strengthens its brand identity

Focus on customer requirements
Samson strengthens its brand identity

Samson strengthens its brand identity
The new corporate design combines the Samson logo with the company name of each subsidiary
Focus on customer requirements

Samson strengthens its brand identity
Samson AG offers the full range of control equipment used in industrial processes from one single source together with its subsidiaries Air Torque, Cera System, KT-Elektronik, Leusch, Pfeiffer, Ringo Válvulas, Samsomatic, Starline, and Vetec. For many years, this alliance has been well established on the market as the Samson Group.
A uniform branding of Samson AG and its subsidiaries has been introduced for a betterfocus on customer requirements in international project activities and market sectors, such as the oil and gas industry and process engineering. The focal point of the group has shifted to Samson as the core brand. The new corporate design combines the Samson logo with the company name of each subsidiary. The company name and contact data remain unchanged.
The new corporate design combines the Samson logo with the company name of each subsidiary
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