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Russian Prime Minister opens Wilo plant

Dortmund pump manufacturer invested close to 35 million euros
Russian Prime Minister opens Wilo plant

Russian Prime Minister opens Wilo plant
The inauguration of the new Wilo plant by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev represents, in symbolic terms, the important dialogue between Germany and Russia
Dortmund pump manufacturer invested close to 35 million euros

Russian Prime Minister opens Wilo plant
02.08.2016 – The Wilo Group continues their intensified strategy on globalisation: With the opening of the new plant in Moscow, the pump manufacturer with headquarters in Dortmund, Germany, is sending a clear signal of their ongoing commitment in Russia. “We actively use the investment in the Moscow-Noginsk location to strengthen the position of the Wilo brand on the Russian market, as well as reinforce the brand expression ‘Made in Russia’”, emphasises Oliver Hermes, CEO of Wilo SE, in his opening address.
High-ranking guests from the industrial sector and politics attended the formal opening. The inauguration of the new plant by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev represents, in symbolic terms, the important dialogue between Germany and Russia. In addition to the Russian Prime Minister, the governor of the Moscow region, Andrey Vorobyov, and Prof. Sergey Shmatko, Artpol Holding chairman, were also among the over 400 invited guests.
Wilo has been operating in Russia since 1992. Today, more than 100,000 Wilo pumps and pump systems are in operation in Russia. Over 24,000 projects were completed successfully. The Dortmund-based pump manufacturer has managed to remain on a growth path in Russia. “We were able to further increase net sales in 2015 and to strengthen existing business relations. The completion of the most recent and at the same time most up-to-date production site of the Wilo Group is a central milestone for the continuation of this success story”, explains Mr Hermes proudly. .
The plot Wilo acquired in September 2013 in Moscow-Noginsk covers 5.5 ha. In autumn 2014, initial construction work was started and now, not quite two years later, the production of modern, intelligent and efficient pump technology will start. In addition to the 8500 m² production site, about 7000 m² are available for the warehouse and logistics centre and more than 6000 m² for administration.
The inauguration of the new Wilo plant by the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev represents, in symbolic terms, the important dialogue between Germany and Russia
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