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Microdyn-Nadir 100 % subsidiary

Microdyn-Nadir 100 % subsidiary

29.04.2015 – The membrane and module manufacturer Microdyn-Nadir from Wiesbaden is now a 100 % subsidiary of the filtration specialist Mann+Hummel in Ludwigsburg. Through the acquisition of additional 50 % both companies consequently follow their joint strategy to grow the water filtration business. The main goal is to establish Mann+Hummel as a major player in the water filtration business.

By means of the new structure, both companies are confident to be able to react even faster to the market requirements. Minimal overlap of the product ranges as well as the different geographical market presence result in a perfect complement of the two companies for each other.
Microdyn-Nadir focuses on the production and distribution of flat sheet membranes and is a leading global supplier of membranes and modules for the micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration. Mann+Hummel is a global leading expert for filtration solutions as well as development partner and supplier to the international automobile and manufacturing industries. In the water filtration sector, Mann+Hummel has been focusing on the production of polymer hollow fiber membranes up to now.
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