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Marchesini Group unveils new line for injectable sterile medicines

At Achema show
Marchesini Group unveils new line for injectable sterile medicines

Marchesini Group unveils new line for injectable sterile medicines
Marchesini Group unveils a new line for injectable sterile medicines live at Achema Pictrue: Marchesini Group

Achema 2024 will be a special occasion for Marchesini Group, as it celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. In addition to showcasing a wide selection of machines and production lines for the pharmaceutical industry, the Group will invite visitors to join the celebrations and reflect on the future together, sharing new ideas and projects.

Extremely fast line

The stand will host several solutions produced by various Group divisions, including an absolute novelty designed to enhance the performance of companies specialised in the production of injectable sterile medicines. It is a line under isolator for sterile filling, capping, and coding of vials of various sizes, designed to be extremely fast: the line can produce up to 500 pieces per minute with 100 % IPC. The line will be unveiled to the public on the first day of the event, June 10th, at 12 o’clock.

GMP compliant

In addition to this innovation developed by the Aseptic division, the Group will also exhibit several machines produced by the Pharma Process and Pharma Laboratory divisions, perfectly compliant with the rigorous GMP standards. The stand will also feature two monoblocks, one for packaging solid products and one for powdered products: the first consists of a blister machine, equipped with the SEA Vision Line Clearance system, and a cartoner with an integrated Track & Trace module; the second is a compact solution for powder filling with 100 % weight control, developed by M.A.R, the latest brand to join the Group.

New additions from the Pharma Packaging division showcased at the stand include a line for packaging and labeling injection pens, featuring a robotic island that precisely and flexibly positions the pens inside a paper tray. This tray, internally designed by the R&D department, features a functional design that enables significant savings in paper and glue (-50 % compared to traditional models on the market).

Finally, there will be a corner dedicated to the Digital area featuring the latest innovations in digital transformation and artificial intelligence, including the “Morpheus” predictive maintenance solution, augmented reality format changeover, and the latest technologies related to robotic applications.

Marchesini Group

Achema: Hall 3.1, Stand G3

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