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KSB opens new factory in Brazil

Pumps and valves production
KSB opens new factory in Brazil

08.05.2012 – Pumps and valves manufacturer KSB inaugurated its new factory in Jundiaí, Brazil, some 50 km north of São Paulo. The location, designed as a production site for standard pumps and valves, will begin by manufacturing ball, gate and globe valves. Once the valve production is up and running, the company will start supplying the market with standard pumps from the new location. KSB has been present in Brazil with a factory since 1954 and recruits the majority of its customers from the chemical and petrochemical industries, from general industry and the water management field. The company supplies its valves above all to Brazil’s oil and gas sector. The new factory, which has so far cost KSB 15 million euros, measures a total of 100,000 m² and accommodates two spacious production shops equipped with modern machinery, an administration and a social building.

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