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Ineos and Gasunie select Bilfinger services

Engineering and maintenance contractor
Ineos and Gasunie select Bilfinger services

In February, Ineos awarded a contract to Bilfinger to supply comprehensive maintenance services to ensure the reliability of Ineos’ critical Forties Pipeline System (FPS) in Scotland, which transports and processes oil and gas from the North Sea. The 3-year contract with an option of a further 2-year extension marks the continuation of a long-standing partnership. Under the agreement, Bilfinger will provide access, insulation, coating and fireproofing services for projects as well as maintenance work for both the onshore and offshore facilities of the 169 km pipeline system. Around 130 Bilfinger employees will be on site every day to ensure efficient and comprehensive service delivery. Ineos will benefit from the strong regional presence and expertise of the executing business unit Bilfinger UK.

In April, Bilfinger was awarded a major 10-year framework contract for comprehensive engineering services by Dutch energy network operator Gasunie. The scope of the agreement covers a wide range of projects related to the energy transition, including engineering services for new energy initiatives such as hydrogen transport and CO2 transport and storage. It also includes the modification and expansion of the existing natural gas network infrastructure to support the transition to more sustainable alternatives, such as hydrogen and biogas. In the context of the energy transition, Gasunie is investing substantially in the modernization of the national natural gas transport network in order to meet future energy demand in a sustainable way. A major focus is the development of hydrogen projects, with several initiatives already underway. Bilfinger, through its Engineering BeNe Business Unit, will support Gasunie with comprehensive engineering services, including feasibility studies, conceptual design and detailed engineering.


Achema: Hall 9.0, Stand D56

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