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India Day Seminar

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India Day Seminar

India Day Seminar
The panelists of India Day Picture: DECHEMA/Markus Püttmann

On Tuesday evening, the Chemtech India Day Seminar brought together leadership from Dechema, VDMA, Chemtech Foundation, Larsen & Toubro and more to celebrate India’s important role in the global process industries and the prominence of Indian companies at Achema this year. Dr. Andreas Förster, executive director of Dechema, noted that there are no fewer than 187 companies from India represented amongst Achema exhibitors this year — a number that has steadily grown in recent years. India makes up the largest share of non-European visitors to Achema.

Hemant Shetty, CEO of Jasubhai and the Chemtech Foundation, further underlined India’s thriving chemicals market and sustainability strategies, including plans for 2030 to increase capacity of renewable and green energy to 500 GW and to establish 5 million metric tons per year of green hydrogen production.

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