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Hima and Genua intensify partnership for OT security

Digitalization of functional safety creates added value for plant operators
Hima and Genua intensify partnership for OT security

Hima and Genua intensify partnership for OT security
Matthias Ochs (CEO, Genua) and Jörg de la Motte (CEO, Hima)at the Hima Security Lab in cooperation with Genua Picture: Hima

As the industry embraces digitalization and faces increasing security requirements, the two German technology leaders Hima and Genua will further deepen their strategic partnership. Genua GmbH, part of the Bundesdruckerei Group, will recognise the Hima Group as an expert partner and present them with a partnership certificate at Achema. The partnership underlines the excellence of both companies in providing safety and security solutions to the industry. Both companies understand security as a holistic approach. In a „partnership of equals“, security solutions at the highest level are created on the basis of convergent IT/OT products from both companies.

„Being awarded the status of an expert partner of Genua not only underlines our successful cooperation, but is also an expression of a shared vision for the future of industrial plant safety,“ explains Jörg de la Motte, CEO of the Hima Group: „As technology leaders in their respective fields, Hima and Genua complement each other perfectly in order to always be able to offer the latest safety and security solutions for industrial plants.“

Safety and security are merging

„This cooperation is an example of the current industry trend, where safety and security are increasingly merging,“ adds Matthias Ochs, Managing Director of Genua. Hima is one of three expert partners, and the only one in the field of OT, which offer individual services around Genua‘s technologies to ensure the ongoing operation of customers‘ IT infrastructure.

Safety and Security at all levels of automation

The background to the cooperation is Hima‘s vision of creating added value for plant operators through the digitalization of functional safety. To this end, the company is developing a holistic portfolio of solutions for the digitalization of the safety life cycle of plants, which significantly simplifies the compliant operation of safety equipment in the process industry (Hima Safety Lifecycle Digitalization).

Comprehensive transfer of knowledge between security and safety is necessary as the two sides are increasingly merging in modern process plants. This transfer of knowledge is being created in the strategic partnership between Hima and Genua through mutual and ongoing safety (OT) and security (IT) training. Through the partnership, Genua‘s comprehensive security portfolio will be used in Hima‘s safety solutions to ensure safety and security at all levels of automation. The products of both companies are „Made in Germany“ and offer a convergent solution tailored to the needs of the process and railway industries. The focus is on compliance with the highest standards and certifications from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) as well as the development of technologies that follow the recommendations of the user association Namur.

Intensive knowledge transfer between IT and OT

The strategic partnership of the two expert companies has already borne fruit. The „Hima Security Lab in cooperation with Genua“, which opened in June 2023, serves as a center to raise awareness of the security of IT and OT solutions and to drive IT/OT convergence. Experts from both companies have already implemented successful projects, developed comprehensive solutions, and jointly developed and tested security scenarios under practical conditions.

„Hima and Genua are known for their reliability and commitment to maintaining long-term customer relationships,“ emphasizes Jörg de la Motte: „With individual and flexible solutions, Hima and Genua jointly protect the safety and security infrastructures of the industry and enable customers to concentrate on their core business.“

Visit Hima and Genua at Achema 2024:
Hima Group: Hall 11.1, Booth E26

Genua: Hall 11.0., Booth E72

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