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Grundfos appoints new CEO and Group President

Grundfos appoints new CEO and Group President

Grundfos appoints new CEO and Group President
27.06.2014 – Mads Nipper becomes new CEO and Group President of Grundfos. He comes from a position as Executive Vice President of Lego. He will be joining the company August 1st 2014. Group Chairman of Grundfos, Jens Moberg, emphasises that Mads Nipper was chosen because of his long and proven record of working on the global marketplace. “With Mads Nipper on board we get a highly competent leader who has solid background in strategy, business development, sales and marketing from the global marketplace. Mads is extremely customer oriented and has during his career proved that he is able to create new ways of growing the business. His profile fits extremely well into the Grundfos Group and I am looking forward to work together with him to exploit the huge potential for growth in both our existing and new markets,” says Jens Moberg.

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