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Evonik and OPXBIO jointly develop bio-based chemicals

Evonik and OPXBIO jointly develop bio-based chemicals

21.05.2013 – OPX Biotechnologies, Inc. (OPXBIO) and Evonik Industries AG announced the two companies have entered into an agreement to jointly develop certain bio-based specialty chemicals. The jointdevelopment agreement signed in the beginning of May calls for OPXBIO to use its proprietary EDGE (Efficiency Directed Genome Engineering) technology to develop the bio-processes.

“There’s a growing market demand for more sustainable products and processes, and OPXBIO is an excellent partner to help us meet that demand because their technology can create high-value, biobased chemicals quickly and cost-effectively,” said Dr. Thomas Haas, Vice President Science-to-Business Center Biotechnology of Creavis, the strategic research and development unit of Evonik. According to the agreement, OPXBIO will also be able to market bio-based products resulting from the Evonik collaboration.
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