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Eppendorf awards young female scientist

Prestigious research prize
Eppendorf awards young female scientist

Eppendorf awards young female scientist
Dr. Thi Hoang Duong Nguyen, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK Picture: Eppendorf

For the 27th time, the Hamburg-based life sciences company Eppendorf SE is awarding its prestigious research prize this year. The independent jury chaired by Prof. Reinhard Jahn selected Dr. Thi Hoang Duong Nguyen, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK as the winner of the Eppendorf Award for Young European Investigators 2022.

Thi Hoang Duong Nguyen, born in 1987, receives the 20,000 euro award for her pioneering work on the structure and function of two RNA-protein complexes that are essential for all higher organisms: Spliceosome and telomerase. „Her work provided fundamental insights into the structure and function of these complexes and will have a lasting impact on the understanding of RNA processing and genome stability”, the judges said.

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