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Elation and satisfaction in Frankfurt

Elation and satisfaction in Frankfurt

Elation and satisfactionin Frankfurt

Five days a state of emergency in Frankfurt, five days a good mood, full halls, roads, innovation pure and happy faces. This year’s Achema ended for many companies with pleasing results and prospects of a good follow-up business. Rarely was the mood in the past few years better than this year.
Achema 2015 attracted slightly more exhibitors. Visitor numbers were almost exactly the same as for the previous show. 166,444 trade visitors from around the world made their way to the Frankfurt exhibition grounds. 3813 exhibitors from 56 countries put the latest innovations for the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries on display. The extensive range of new products and initial product introductions underline the importance of Achema as a world innovation summit. For the first time, more than half of the exhibitors (53.9 %) came from outside Germany. China was second in the exhibitor number rankings behind Germany and was ahead of Italy by only the narrowest of margins. 133,436 m² of exhibition space were divided up between eleven exhibitor groups. Growth was particularly noticeable in the pharmaceutical, packaging and warehouse logistics industries, as well as in the instrumentation and process control category. This latter group benefited from the unmistakable tendency in the process industry to further increase the level of automation as well as from user demand for greater flexibility, both of which come under the umbrella of Industry 4.0. Equipment manufacturing along with lab and analysis systems, however, showed a slight decline. The next date on the event calendar for the process industry is Achemasia, which will be held in Beijing from May 9th to 12th, 2016. The next Achema is scheduled to take place in June 2018 in Frankfurt am Main. Our Achema review starts on page 17.
Günter Eckhardt, Editor-in-Chief
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