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Deployment of energy-efficient lubricants

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Deployment of energy-efficient lubricants

Deployment of energy-efficient lubricants
Evonik provides a variety of advanced hydraulic- fluid products Picture: Mary Page Bailey

Dr. Frank-Olaf Mähling, global technology manager at Evonik’s Oil Additives business, presented on Wednesday about the deployment of advanced lubricants developed by Evonik to help realise emissions savings and reduce maintenance requirements at Evonik’s own production sites. By using advanced hydraulic-fluid technologies, says Mähling, “Equipment can be operated over a very wide temperature range and we can increase productivity and efficiency by up to 10%. It sounds like a miracle a little bit, but it is true.” Despite these benefits, Mähling said that lubricant upgrades can be overlooked by plants, because lubricants are typically not discussed unless there are specific equipment-related issues and that it can be difficult for plants to quantify their consumption of hydraulic fluids to determine the potential cost savings.

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