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Complete plants from one single source

Strategic partnership
Complete plants from one single source

KraussMaffei Berstorff (Hanover) and Zeppelin Systems (Friedrichshafen) will further enhance their cooperation to enter the field of technical plastics compounding as one entity.

This collaboration is specifically designed to accommodate the global changes in plant engineering for compounding plants. By joining their expertise in details and processes, KraussMaffei Berstorff and Zeppelin are able to provide turn-key plants for the production of bulk material such as polyolefin to international chemical companies and plastic producers. In addition to compounding extruders and their devices for storage, dosage and packing, the plant planning also includes approval planning, power and media supply as well as integration into existing plants.
KraussMaffei Berstorff and Zeppelin Systems have been working in close collaboration for years and have successfully completed many international projects. The two companies will act as a consortium – nearly as one company – in the field of technical plastics compounding.
The producers of technical plastics will also benefit from this partnership: the overall responsibility of building a turn-key compounding plant will be in the hands of an experienced team in the fields of plant engineering and compounding processes.
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