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CABB faces positive future and development

CABB faces positive future and development

After the takeover by a financial investor last year, the special chemicals producer CABB GmbH can look to the future with confidence and profit from investment of several million Euros during 2006, at its sites in Gersthofen and Knapsack. As the previous year drew to a close, CABB was able to record a remarkable success story: sales had risen almost 15 % compared to the year before and the operating result was also satisfactory. Chief executive Ruud de Boer, who has been managing the company since August 2005 is highly impressed with developments, „what a great way to start under new ownership“. The current year brings new challenges for CABB. The aim is to further increase the capacity utilisation for the production of monochloroacetic acid, while also accelerating innovative developments for new application fields for chlorinated intermediates. In order to successfully realise these objectives, the workforce has already received a boost in numbers.

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