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Busch acquires NSB Gas Processing

Flare gas recovery
Busch acquires NSB Gas Processing

Busch acquires NSB Gas Processing
NSB products customers have relied on over the years are now offered under the new brand Busch NSB Picture: Busch

Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems announced that the swiss-based engineering company NSB Gas Processing is now part of the global Busch group. The NSB Gas Processing business has been renamed Busch NSB AG and brings a highly regarded team of engineers and a portfolio of liquid ring vacuum pumps, compressors and systems to the Busch group. NSB has a heritage dating back to 1844 and will continue to provide the same very high standard of liquid ring vacuum pumps, compressors, and vacuum and compressor systems for industry. With the acquisition of NSB, the Busch group can now offer reliable vacuum and overpressure solutions for heavy-duty conditions in the oil and gas industries and chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. One of the strengths of the Busch NSB product portfolio is in flare gas recovery, a sub-sector of the oil and gas industry. Flare gas recovery offers the advantages of more-efficient use of scarce resources and a reduced environmental footprint.

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