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Bürkert lays symbolic foundation stone for new buildings

Investment of 30 million euros
Bürkert lays symbolic foundation stone for new buildings

Bürkert lays symbolic foundation stone for new buildings
The highlight of the ceremony was the embedding of a time capsule in the foundation stone. From left to right: Heribert Rohrbeck (CEO of the Bürkert group), Michael Bauer (Mayor Ingelfingen), Marc Dahlheimer (Plant manager Ingelfingen), Hans Wallner (Head of works council) and Gotthard Wirth (1st state official Hohenlohe).
20.07.2015 – With a cornerstone ceremony on 22 May 2015 the planned new buildings at the Ingelfingen-Criesbach location of the fluid technology specialist Bürkert have entered the next phase. By the end of July 2016 and with an investment sum of around 30 million euros, the “Bürkert Campus Criesbach” will include a production building with offices, a training centre, a parking garage, a company restaurant and an 18 m high-bay warehouse.

The cornerstone ceremony was opened with a welcoming speech by Bürkert’s Managing Director Heribert Rohrbeck. “The large-scale project in Criesbach is a courageous and important step into the future for us and a clear sign of commitment to the Hohenlohe region. Based on our strong roots and values, we see the campus as a “factory of the future”, due to our far-sighted investment in a central training centre here. Thanks to everyone for your tremendous support,” said Rohrbeck. The welcoming speech by the management was followed by speeches by the 1st state official Gotthard Wirth, Ingelfingen’s mayor Michael Bauer and Axel Reimet of the general contractor Wolff & Müller.
The highlight of the ceremony was the embedding of a time capsule in the foundation stone. The capsule contains a current issue of the Hohenlohe newspaper, coins, historic documents of the city, an issue of the employee magazine and engineering drawings by the company founder from the year 1950. In addition to the festivities for the campus, Bürkert also used the opportunity to pay tribute to the founder Christian Bürkert, who would have celebrated his 100th birthday on 04 May 2015.
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