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BHGE and Hoerbiger sign strategic cooperation

New compressor technology and service
BHGE and Hoerbiger sign strategic cooperation

BHGE and Hoerbiger sign strategic cooperation
Alberto Matucci (r), BHGE Vice President Refining and Petrochemicals, and Udo Bauer, CEO Hoerbiger Compression Technology (l) sign the agreement in Florence, Italy Picture: Hoerbiger

Baker Hughes, a GE company, and Hoerbiger Kompressortechnik Holding GmbH, Vienna, Austria, entered into a comprehensive cooperation agreement for new equipment and the aftermarket business. The agreement has taken effect in February 2018. The partnership focuses on the global expansion of upgrade services in oil and gas industries for BHGE’s API reciprocating compressors designed and manufactured at its Nuovo Pignone facility in Florence, Italy. Additionally, the parties have agreed to cooperate on new compressor and key component development, as well as partnering on Hoerbiger core reciprocating compressor components. Under the agreement, Hoerbiger becomes an authorized service provider for BHGE in 25 countries, making the Hoerbiger locations official distributors and authorized service centers for repairs and field service related to API reciprocating compressors.

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