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BASF invests up to 500 million Euro in production capacities

Superabsorbent technology
BASF invests up to 500 million Euro in production capacities

BASF invests up to 500 million Euro in production capacities
BASF Site Antwerp, Belgium: BASF announced plans for a major investment in a pioneering superabsorbent technology platform
08.12.2014 – BASF announced plans for a major investment in a pioneering superabsorbent technology platform of its hygiene business. BASF will invest up to 500 million euro over the next two to three years to establish droplet polymerization capacities worldwide by revamping existing plants. The rollout of the new technology underlines BASF’s technology leadership and leading position in the market for superabsorbent polymers.

Superabsorbent polymers are polymers that can absorb and retain extremely large amounts of liquid relative to their own mass. They are used as a main component in baby diapers, incontinence products and feminine hygiene products. BASF researchers have worked intensively in the last decade to develop a new technology and optimise the corresponding production processes. BASF will launch a new generation of highly innovative superabsorbent polymers under the trademark Saviva. The launch is scheduled sequentially, starting end of 2016.
Based on its round-shaped particles with micro-pores, Saviva has an innovative liquid distribution mechanism, making it a highly efficient superabsorbent polymer in a diaper core. It has been tested comprehensively.
“To launch this breakthrough innovation in a fast and efficient way, BASF has developed a revamp strategy. In order to keep time-to-market as short as possible, BASF will extend and modify already existing production sites,” said Michael Heinz, Member of the Board of Executive Directors, BASF SE. Existing facilities will in future be able to produce both Saviva and the current product Hysorb. The first wave of revamping existing plants will be kicked off in Europe, closely followed by plants in Asia and the Americas.
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