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4th European Chemistry Partnering in Frankfurt

Innovations in battery research
4th European Chemistry Partnering in Frankfurt

4th European Chemistry Partnering in Frankfurt
The Managing Director of Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH, Max Fuhr. Picture: BCNP Consultants GmbH

The 17 sustainable development goals of the U.N. are the key issue of the 4th European Chemistry Partnering that will take place on February 27, 2020 in Frankfurt, Germany. More than 1,000 participants from the chemical industry and its user industries will meet to discuss future projects and potential collaborations. In an inversed pitch, the Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH will present itself as an attractive industrial chemistry site. In the workshop “How energy materials drive innovation in chemistry“, innovative companies located in Bitterfeld-Wolfen will present innovations from the area of battery research.

Chemiepark Bitterfeld-Wolfen GmbH (CPG) is Diamond Sponsor of the European Chemistry Partnering (ECP). They are also Topic Sponsor for “Energy Materials.” Around 80 industrial companies produce in the chemical park inorganic raw materials, specialty and organic fine chemicals in a flourishing ecosystem with around 250 service providers. With its 1,200 hectares, located between Berlin and Leipzig, it is the largest open chemical park in Central Europe. It offers the best conditions for new investments both directly in the chemical park and in the local TGZ with its laboratories and production facilities. In addition to global players like Dow, Bayer, Clariant, Nouryon and ICL, start-ups such as Skeleton Technologies and SMEs like IBU-tec advanced materials have recently settled here. Farasis Energy recently announced the construction of a battery factory in Bitterfeld-Wolfen. In the workshop „How energy materials drive innovation in European chemistry“ topics such as lithium mining, cathode making and battery recycling will be highlighted and subsequently discussed with the participants.

Max Fuhr, Managing Director, explains the Park’s engagement at the 4th ECP and the idea behind the workshop: “CPG has been a supporter of the ECP right from the start because we believe in both the format and the energetic and friendly atmosphere of the event. Where else should new and promising materials for energy production, transformation and storage be presented if not there?”

Dr. Holger Bengs, CEO of BCNP Consultants GmbH and Initiator of the European Chemistry Partnering says: “Battery research is one of the key issues of the energy transition that has only just begun. But just as important as the route to market are the issues of recycling and waste disposal. We are very happy to have CPG as our Diamond Sponsor and Topic Sponsor since they emphasize these issues and provide important impulses for further innovation.”

97 percent of all products contain at least one chemical process step: renewable raw materials, enzymes, industrial biotechnology, new processes, products from residual materials, digitization, etc. are changing the processes in chemical value creation: starting with purchasing logistics on to production and finally marketing and sales. Interdisciplinary exchange is gaining in importance. With the ECP, an international chemistry community is growing to derive more innovation from what already exists.

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