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Technology for vacuum systems

Technology for vacuum systems

Technology for vacuum systems
Technology for vacuum systems

The Vacuubrand catalogue 2016/2017 offers a comprehensive range of vacuum solutions for the modern laboratory and is a concrete reference book for questions concerning rough and fine vacuum. Over 200 pages provide information about the latest trends and developments in vacuum technology. Among them are the vacuum gauges Vacuu·View with integrated chemically resistant sensors. The chapter about gauges and controllers includes also remote controlling of vacuum pumping units. Furthermore the Atex Vario chemistry diaphragm pumps are presented in an own section. Those pumps, which are able to control the vacuum by motor speed, can be used in potentially explosive areas. A detailed chapter on choosing vacuum equipment helps to find the optimum solution for the vacuum requirements of different applications like filtration, rotary evaporation, drying, freeze drying, concentration or vacuum networks for laboratories and kilo labs. The printed version, the online-flash-catalogue and the PDF-download are all available on www.vacuubrand.com.
www.cpp-net.com search: cpp0316vacuubrand
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