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Lewa is boosting its market presence in the Middle East

Onshore gas extraction
Lewa is boosting its market presence in the Middle East

Lewa is boosting its market presence in the Middle East
Lewa manufactured 40 pump skids for a gas field in the Middle East region (see: Ecoflow LDG5) Picture: Lewa

Through multiple successful projects in the past years Lewa GmbH with its subsidiary Lewa Nikkiso Middle East has improved its market position in oil and gas extraction in the Middle East region. The pump experts manufactured 40 pump skids for a gas field located 160 km southwest of Abu Dhabi. The goal is to use these skids to increase the production capacity of the field. With the help of 20 LDG5, 10 LDHB and 10 LDF3 ecoflow process diaphragm pumps the fluids that occur are directed straight to the flare for combustion. Other waste materials are stored temporarily in tanks and disposed of as soon as the tanks are full. At a maximum pressure of 43 bar, the three pump types achieve a flow rate of 5000 l/h (LDF3), 18,000 l/h (LDG5) and 22,000 l/h (LDHB). Since the pumping medium has a high proportion of hydrogen sulfide, which makes it very corrosive and caustic, the pumps had to be built with Super Duplex stainless steel. The design also had to be able to handle the high vapor pressure of the gas and the high ambient temperatures. In addition to the extraordinary operating conditions, special technical solutions were also required. For example, to account for the low pressure at the suction head, an angle valve was installed on the intake side of the pumps.

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