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Hannover Messe site will become 5G-ready

One of the largest 5G campus networks in Europe
Hannover Messe site will become 5G-ready

Hannover Messe site will become 5G-ready
Deutsche Messe‘s exhibition center in Hanover will get its own 5G campus network before the end of the year Picture: Deutsche Telekom

This year, the 1.4 million square meter Deutsche Messe exhibition site in Hanover, Germany, will become 5G-ready. The exhibition center in Hanover will get its own 5G campus network before the end of the year. Deutsche Messe has obtained a frequency allocation in the 3.7 to 3.8 GHz range from the Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency) and will set up one of the largest 5G zones in Europe, spanning 30 halls and buildings as well as the entire open-air ground. In close partnership with Deutsche Telekom, Deutsche Messe AG is gradually transforming the exhibition grounds into a highly innovative multifunctional campus. Telekom is implementing the campus network as a hybrid network. The fair ground thus has a private network that trade fairs and exhibitors can use for their applications. At the same time, visitors to the trade fairs have excellent coverage with the public 5G network covering the exhibition area.

Siemens sets up private 5G campus network

Siemens is playing a very specific role in this achievement. As one of the key exhibitors at the Hannover Messe, Siemens is setting up a private 5G campus network with a focus on industrial use in one of the exhibition halls in Hanover. The network can be used by exhibitors during trade shows and, outside of trade show times, can be used by companies for tests and field trials.

“In the exhibition hall, innovative solutions for industrial networks are presented using this 5G network infrastructure. One particular feature of the Siemens infrastructure is that it will remain in the exhibition hall permanently and will be handed over to Deutsche Messe for commercial use. This means that other customers can also use the Siemens technology as a test environment for their products,” explains Dr. Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Board at Deutsche Messe AG.

The exhibition site will therefore become a test area and a showcase for the use of 5G in industry. The option of operating these private 5G networks will enable companies to adapt them specifically to their requirements in terms of performance, reliability, and security. In Germany, companies also benefit from the fact that they can use private 5G spectrum exclusively at their sites.

Siemens has already taken initial strides towards a private industrial 5G network in its Automotive Test Center in Nuremberg. Siemens is also currently creating its own private 5G infrastructures in its plants in Amberg and Karlsruhe.

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