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Engineering via ChatGPT

Hydrogen production
Engineering via ChatGPT

Engineering via ChatGPT
The press conference focussed on hydrogen and AI. Picture: Tobias Meyer
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„Green hydrogen is crucial for the decarbonisation of industry and will be a scarce commodity for the foreseeable future. This makes it all the more important to accelerate the ramp-up of production capacities. Generative artificial intelligence can help to save considerable time and costs,“ says Axel Lorenz, CEO Process Automation at Siemens.

The Hydrogen Plant Configurator chatbot, shown for the first time at Achema, can create complete plant designs. Fed with the key data of the production plant, the AI creates seamless block flow diagrams through to layouts of the plant units and connections. It can also forecast power consumption, heat generation and a list of the most important components. The basic concept can then be transferred to engineering and simulation software, for example to automatically create pipework and instrumentation diagrams.

The Comos AI engineering assistant, on the other hand, can create equipment specifications and diagrams based on descriptions in natural language and completes or corrects models and drawings. It can also provide support during cross-domain phases in engineering or in cross-product workflows by converting models, drawings and information structures. The assistant also provides answers to documentation, Hydrogen production

Engineering via ChatGPT

„Green hydrogen is crucial for the decarbonisation of industry and will be a scarce commodity for the foreseeable future. This makes it all the more important to accelerate the ramp-up of production capacities. Generative artificial intelligence can help to save considerable time and costs,“ says Axel Lorenz, CEO Process Automation at Siemens.

The Hydrogen Plant Configurator chatbot, shown for the first time at ACHEMA, can create complete plant designs. Fed with the key data of the production plant, the AI creates seamless block flow diagrams through to layouts of the plant units and connections. It can also forecast power consumption, heat generation and a list of the most important components. The basic concept can then be transferred to engineering and simulation software, for example to automatically create pipework and instrumentation diagrams.

The Comos AI engineering assistant, on the other hand, can create equipment specifications and diagrams based on descriptions in natural language and completes or corrects models and drawings. It can also provide support during cross-domain phases in engineering or in cross-product workflows by converting models, drawings and information structures. The assistant also provides answers to documentation, specifications or technical details.

To simplify the automation of H2 processes, the SFC Generation module for Simatic PCS neo is being launched on the market: its AI can create flowcharts (SFCs) whose visual representation of the process logic should enable complex workflows to be managed easily. The Hydrogen Plant Configurator will be available on the Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace from the end of 2024, while Como‘s AI and SFC Generation are expected to be available from the beginning of 2025.

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