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Endress+Hauser expands US production

Investements of more than 17 million US dollars
Endress+Hauser expands US production

Endress+Hauser expands US production
Endress+Hauser inaugurated a new plant for temperature measurement engineering and system products in Greenwood, Indiana Picture: Endress+Hauser

Endress+Hauser has further expanded its production facilities in the United States. The Raman analyser manufacturing plant in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was extended at a cost of 9 million US dollars. In Greenwood, Indiana, the company has built a new 8 million dollar plant for temperature measurement production.

The analysers manufactured by Kaiser Optical Systems, part of the Endress+Hauser Group since 2013, are designed for examining the composition and material characteristics of solids, liquids and gases. Construction of the new 9 million dollar plant took nearly one year and more than doubles the floor space to 8100 m2.

In Greenwood, Indiana, where the US sales center is also headquartered, Endress+Hauser manufactures temperature measurement technology and system products since 2008. The company has now invested more than 8 million US dollars in a 3900 m2 state-of-the-art production facility. The new plant will produce sensor elements, thermometers and thermowells as well as transmitters, system components and recorders.

Endress+Hauser has been present in the US with its own sales center since 1970. The company relies on a dense, nationwide network of select representatives to service customers. In the US Endress+Hauser produces instrumentation for flow, level, pressure and temperature measurements, liquid analysis technology, Raman spectroscopy instruments and laser-based gas analyzers. The Group employs more than 850 people in the US.

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