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De Dietrich Process Systems Acquires Heinkel Group

Solid-liquid separation and drying
De Dietrich Process Systems Acquires Heinkel Group

De Dietrich Process Systems Acquires Heinkel Group
Jacques Moulin, President of De Dietrich Process Systems Source: De Dietrich

With the acquisition of the Heinkel Drying & Separation Group De Dietrich Process Systems strengthens its industrial base in Europe. This strategic merger allows De Dietrich to enrich and broaden its portfolio of solutions. Through this acquisition, the group becomes the global leader in the fields of solid-liquid separation and the drying of active ingredients.

With four additional production sites in Europe, it allows De Dietrich Process Systems to become an undisputed European leader with a strategic commitment to local manufacturing (France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic).

Through its recognized brands, Heinkel, Comber, Bolz-Summix, and Jongia, the Heinkel Group has established itself as a premium provider of solid-liquid separation solutions, drying, and mixing systems, mainly for the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries. It has established privileged relationships with its international clients through its expertise and technological innovations.

By complementing its offerings in emerging markets such as recycling and the environment, this structuring acquisition positions De Dietrich Process Systems on a continuous growth trajectory with revenue prospects exceeding 300 million euros. Jacques Moulin, President of De Dietrich Process Systems, comments: “De Dietrich Process Systems and Heinkel Group share common values, including family values, and the ambition to preserve a strong manufacturing industry in Europe. The technologies provided by the newly formed group are essential for the manufacturing of active ingredients and vital chemicals in Europe. We contribute to the continent‘s economic growth and reinforce our commitment to a more local and sustainable industry.”

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