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Converting flare gas into hydrogen

Pyrolysis technology in a container
Converting flare gas into hydrogen

Converting flare gas into hydrogen
Pyrolysis can be used to convert flare gas into hydrogen and solid soot Picture: H2-Industries

Gas flaring is considered to cause emissions that are harmful to the climate and health. H2-Industries has developed a solution to convert these environmentally harmful flaring gases right at the flare of an oil production field to clean hydrogen and solid carbon. The company uses pyrolysis technology, which will be delivered in self-contained 20 or 40-foot ISO containers and can be pre-assembled in a semi-serial production and shipped for installation to the flaring site. The process provides clean hydrogen bound in liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHC). LOHC are organic compounds that can absorb and release hydrogen through chemical reactions. LOHCs can therefore be used as a storage medium for hydrogen. 

Soot as by-product

The only by-product of the process is solid carbon black that that can be shipped for export to any place in the world using ISO container tanks. Carbon black is mainly used to strengthen rubber in tires. But it can also act as a pigment, UV stabiliser, conductive or insulating agent in various rubber, plastic, coating applications, and other everyday use, including hoses, conveyor belts, shoes, and printing. This carbon black can be sold on the world market, where the current prices are between $1.5 and $2.5 per kg.

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