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Neste and Ravago join forces for chemical recycling

Neste and Ravago join forces
Collaboration in chemical Recycling

Collaboration in chemical Recycling
Neste has set a target to process annually more than one million tons of plastic waste from 2030 onwards Picture: Neste

Neste, provider of renewable diesel, renewable jet fuel, and an expert in delivering drop-in renewable chemical solutions, and Ravago, distributor and recycler of poly-mers, are joining forces to develop chemical recycling of plastic waste with the aim to reach significant industrial scale. Neste and Ravago have set a joint target to reach an annual capacity to process over 200,000 t of plastic waste. Through collaborating in chemical recycling, Neste and Ravago wish to accelerate circularity of materials and improve resource-efficiency in the petrochemical industry. The two companies also want to provide more sustainable alternatives to primary fossil feedstock. Chemical recycling of plastic waste will enable the petrochemical industry to meet its recycling targets and develop a more sustainable, climate-friendlier offering. 

“Our aim is to process annually more than one million tonnes of plastic waste from 2030 onwards. With this, we could contribute to increasing the annual recycling rate of post-consumer plastic waste by 25 to 30 % from the current level in Europe,” says Mercedes Alonso, Executive Vice President, Renewable Polymers and Chemicals at Neste.

Chemical recycling will enable the companies to upgrade even coloured and mixed plastic packaging waste into high-quality raw material for the production of new plastics, chemicals and fuels. Unlike mechanically recycled plastics, chemical recycling enables waste plastic to be used as raw material even in the most sensitive applications, such as in primary food packaging as well as pharmaceutical and healthcare applications. 

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