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BASF prepares for its 150th anniversary in 2015

Change to the brand identity
BASF prepares for its 150th anniversary in 2015

BASF prepares for its 150th anniversary in 2015
BASF is introducing a new claim “We create chemistry” in its logo.
BASF is introducing a new claim “We create chemistry” in its logo. This change to the company’s brand identity underlines how BASF collaborates and innovates with customers and partners to contribute to a sustainable future. The new claim is derived from BASF’s “We create chemistry” strategy, which was announced in 2011. “Since we launched this strategy, BASF has been increasingly focusing on offering its customers functionalised products and solutions based on chemistry as a clever combination of compounds. It is therefore the right time to make the next step and move from ‘The Chemical Company’ to ‘We create chemistry.’ The new claim refers not only to science but also to the chemistry between people,” explained Dr. Kurt Bock, Chairman of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF.

Initially, “We create chemistry” will mainly be used in the logo in circumstances directly related to the company’s 150th anniversary. As of January 1, 2015, it will be applied broadly throughout BASF. The other elements of BASF’s corporate design, for example the six corporate colors, will remain unchanged. In accordance with its company purpose “We create chemistry for a sustainable future,” BASF’s goal is to bring together people and ideas in a process of co-creation. BASF is inviting people to collaborate on developing solutions to global challenges related to urban living, smart energy and food throughout the anniversary year. To spark the discussion, the company has launched an interactive platform called Creator Space online at www.creator-space.basf.com. Here, customers, scientists, the public and BASF experts are invited to exchange thoughts and ideas.

In 2015, insights from the online conversation will form the basis for discussions at numerous live and virtual co-creation events around the world. The aim is to use the anniversary year to drive innovation and make a lasting contribution to society and BASF’s business. “Our 150-year history shows that chemistry is an enabler for new ideas and solutions. Innovation in the 21st century will require new strategies and tools, and social networks are an important part of the mix. We invite everyone to join the conversation on Creator Space online,” said Bock.
Anniversary discussions focus on three topics
By 2050, there will be more than nine billion people living on Earth. The needs of the growing world population for good living conditions, energy and food can only be met through innovations. BASF has identified three topics where chemistry plays an important role that will form the focus of the anniversary program:
  • Urban living: It is estimated that more than 70% of the world population will be urban dwellers by 2050. As cities grow rapidly, so do the social, environmental and economic challenges, for example, in ensuring fresh water supply, improving waste management as well as offering efficient and accessible mobility and housing.
  • Smart energy: Dramatically rising energy demand is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. A smarter energy future requires deriving more cost-efficient energy from clean and renewable resources like wind and solar, increasing energy efficiency and improving the storage and transportation of energy.
  • Food: The challenge of feeding the world’s growing population by providing a sustainable supply of food is one of the most crucial in the next decades. Avoiding food loss and food waste, ensuring nutritious food and improving the efficiency of food production is necessary to prevent undernutrition and malnutrition.
Further details of the anniversary program will be announced at a press conference on December 4, 2014, and then there will be regular updates on all activities on Creator Space online. One highlight of the year will be the Anniversary Celebration in Ludwigshafen on April 23, 2015.
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