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AchemAsia is back in 2025

Innovative technologies for a sustainable industry
AchemAsia is back in 2025

AchemAsia is back in 2025
On 14 October 2025, Achemasia will open its doors in Shanghai Picture: Dechema

From 14 to 16 October 2025, Achemasia will once again present itself in Shanghai as the leading platform for the Chinese process industry as well as the chemical and pharmaceutical sectors. As the International Expo and Innovation Forum for Sustainable Chemical Production, the focus will be on innovative technologies for a climate-neutral future, including process technology, pharmaceutical technology and digitalisation (primarily using AI and robotics) as well as the rapid development of a hydrogen economy and hydrogen-based processes in the Chinese chemical industry.

Achemasia was launched in 1989 as a spin-off of Achema to fulfil the needs of the then still developing industry in China. Today, with over 400 exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions, it is the central meeting place, where the latest technologies and innovations relevant to the process industry in China, Asia and worldwide are discussed and exchanged. Registration for exhibitors is now open. “After the success of Achema 2024, we are looking forward to returning to Shanghai in 2025 with Achemasia. On site in China, we will once again offer the global process technology community an outstanding platform with a dedicated focus on the world‘s largest production site for chemical and pharmaceutical products”, says Dr Björn Mathes, CEO of Dechema Ausstellungs-GmbH, looking forward to organising the event in October 2025.

AchemAsia offers experts from Asia and around the world the opportunity to discuss and jointly develop ideas and solutions for a sustainable industry. The exhibition will be accompanied by a congress organised jointly by Dechams as well as regional and international partners in the form of satellite events. The congress is closely linked to the Achema Innovation Themes Process, Pharma, Digital, Lab, Green and Hydrogen, while also focussing on the growth and challenges of the Chinese process industry. This guarantees a high level of relevance for the audience that is already active in the Chinese process industry or is interested in it.

More at www.achemasia.de/en

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