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Lube & seal in hygienic processes
The perfect trio: product, lubricant and seal

When it comes to manufacturing food and beverages, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics, the health of the consumer takes top priority – an approach that...

Vacuum systems and portable vacuums for potentially explosive areas
Several routes, one objective

In areas that carry a risk of dust explosion, vacuum systems and portable vacuums have an important job to do. At the same time, they require special measures...

Design of centrifugal pumps for modern production plants
Using workhorses safely

Centrifugal pumps are utilised to pump a vast range of media, including acids, lye and solvents. However, this also means that they harbour the risks...

Integrated logistics center at Schülke & Mayr
Dangerous goods safely stored

The storage and picking of dangerous goods, such as disinfectants, preservatives and additives, brings with it special challenges regarding fire prevention...

Reproducible processes
Miniature control knobs for dosing technology

Many valves without an integrated, precise opening indicator are still in use, the corresponding disadvantages are, however, less frequently tolerated as the...

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