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Tag - Filter

Low dust emission values for difficult filtration processes
Filtration plant for paraffinic dust particles

Dust particles containing paraffin are adhesive and waxy, and they can clog a filter within a very short time. In this case, cleaning is no longer an option...

FDA approved filter solutions
No chance for contaminants

Dusty air is everywhere – the reality behind this saying often causes headaches for manufacturers and producers of food and beverage, pharmaceutical and...

Hygienic bag discharge
Goodbye to dust

There are many possible ways to minimise dust formation during bag discharge. Regardless of whether a simple bag discharge station or one with an integrated...

Filter media compliant with European food law
Tested down to the last detail

The chemical industry manufactures a large number of products for use within the food chain, e.g. vitamins, silicates, oxides, food colourings, etc. Products...

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New filtration technology for highly corrosive media

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