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Remote inspection in hazardous areas

Remote inspection in hazardous areas
The intrinsically safe Wi-Fi camera Orbit X developed by Bartec Pixavi makes mobile work safe Picture: Bartec
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The intrinsically safe Wi-Fi camera Orbit X developed by Bartec Pixavi makes mobile work safe. Certified to CSA, IECEx and Atex Zone 1, it allows flexible and efficient working, improved work flows and quick, precise decisions in the field. Orbit X works just as well as a helmet, inspection or surveillance camera. It is easy to operate and is suitable for use as both a stand-alone solution and as part of a network. Two integrated LEDs, a built-in laser pointer and optional accessories like headsets, wall brackets or telescopic rods expand the operating area of this high-tech solution to cover even dark and difficult to access areas. Alongside ad-hoc meetings and trouble-shooting with remotely linked experts, the tested usages also cover live streaming and CCTV applications, as well as video recordings for inspection or training. As well as the direct Wi-Fi connection to the network, the camera can also be coupled with the Impact X for a mobile connection (smartphone pairing).

The Android-based Wi-Fi camera takes 8 megapixel color images and 1080 p videos, which can be saved locally on the device or streamed wirelessly in high quality. The Sipido Mobile Telepresence app, included as standard, supports SIP-capable video conference systems and applications, as well as browser-based real-time communication via web-RTC.


Online search: cppPC117bartec

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