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Space-saving articulated robot

Enables flexible tool change
Space-saving articulated robot

Space-saving articulated robot
The articulated arm robot Robotpac is suitable for palletizing different containers Picture: Beumer
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Products for the chemical industry are filled in special bags, barrels, canisters, cartons or buckets. To palletise them, Beumer offers the space-saving articulated robot robotpac. Depending on the packaged items, the company equips the robot with the appropriate gripping tools which can be easily and automatically changed, if the packaged items change. The fork gripper, for example, was designed specifically for palletising cardboard boxes, the finger gripper for bagged goods. Beumer also has a double gripper in its product portfolio for both versions. The company also offers parallel grippers for dimensionally stable packed items, suction grippers for items with a smooth surface and many other special grippers and combination tools.

Beumer Group GmbH & Co. KG, Frauenfeld/Schweiz

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